Friday, November 24, 2017

Hola! Aquí estamos nuevamente, el pasado 19 de Nov. presentamos  el Taller de Cocina Mediterránea.
 En sus platillos casi siempre se encuentran los mismos ingredientes, sólo que su utilización y mezclas dan una variedad única a la gastronomía. Trigo,pimientos, berenjenas, pepino, piñones, nueces, tomates, pimentones, ajo, cebollas, semillas de girasol, ajonjolí, orégano, perejil, hierbabuena, albahaca, cáscara de naranja, olivas, aceites, vinagres. Todas materias primas que entregan sabores, colores y olores con la que se da forma, aroma y gusto a una de las gastronomías más espectaculares.

Los platillos que presentamos tienen su origen en esa área al Este de la costa de Italia (Armenia, Cypre, Grecia, Iraq, Israel, Jordania, Líbano, Palestina, Siria y Turquía, aunque no se limita a esa región como Tunisia y Marruecos.
La comida mediterranea es consideranda como la mejor gastronomia del mundo

Comparte; Sonia Contreras.
experta en Cocina internacional vegana. Instructora de yoga.
Sonia a viajado y vivido en diversos paises, apasionada de la cocina vegetariana y vegana a aprendido los secretos de la cocina internacional, esta vez haremos un viaje por el mediterráneo explorando y degustando diversos platillos de esa region.

Es muy importante que RESERVES TU ESPACIO
.El Taller cuesta 500 pesos y puedes reservar con el 50% o el total. El costo incluye ingredientes y recetario digital. cualquier duda estoy atenta. Puedes llamar al celular 664 135-8540

Hay que traer mandil, y una libreta para tomar notas.

Las chicas se fueron muy satisfechas, aprendimos a hacer y degustamos preservas de pimientos, berenjenas y tomates deshidratados, hicimos rattatouille, ensalada tabouleh y armamos una pizza vegana de pesto con peras. Gracias a los asistentes y a Rosie por la promoción del taller.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Noche de Thailandia @ La Mesa.

Friday March 12th at 6pm

Come and spend an evening with us and impress your friends learning from scratch a Thai 4 course dinner menu that includes Thai cocktails!

Enjoy the delicate Thai flavors made with local ingredients, we even tell you where to get your shopping!

Have fun, eat well and get lost on our lovely vista of the Banderas bay with it's spectacular sunsets.


Spicy Thai Coconut Soup
a creamy concoction spiked with serrano chiles, garlic, ginger, and lemongrass and garnished with fresh herbs

Thai Wraps with julienne vegetables - Raw
wilted greens filled with julienne vegetables tossed in a luscious Thai vinaigrette dipping sauce

Pad Thai with Soba Noodles and peanut sauce
A slightly different take on a classic. SOBA noodles (gluten free), aromatic peanut + tamarindo sauce, tons of vegetables and toasted peanuts

Fresh Mango Sorbet with Toasted Coconut

Cocktail Phuket - Vodka, Lemongrass, agave and mint
served through out the evening.

Price $500 pesos includes class demostration, 4 course meal and cocktails.
Reservations call Sonia at (322) 222-8014
Cell 322 - 136- 3449

Monday, January 18, 2010

From La Mesa's terrace

Naturally spectacular

A water tornado was parading very close to the city

here you can see a rainbow starting to form

The lighting on the sky was unusually dark and bright at the same time

Monday, January 11, 2010

French Cuisine on Saturdays?

We are talking to a French Chef, putting a menu together for a very fun French theme class.
We will keep you posted.

What is new at La Mesa

Hola Amigos,

We at la Mesa want to wish you lots of joyful meals with your loved ones this 2010.

As our chefs are increasingly busy, we are now offering only the 6pm class.

Artist Fernando Sanchez, whom also has a degree on Gastronomy, will continue on Thursdays with the Historical Mexican Gastronomy theme, ilustrating dinners on Prehispanic ingredients and reenacting flavors and cooking technics.
Fernando will surprise your palate and expand your knowledge of one of the richest gastronomic cultures of the world.

Fernando will also grace our table settings with his incredible ceramic works.

Don't miss the chance to join us on a Thursday evening with Fernando, or a Tuesday with Gaetano, for a great roof top meal with an incredible view.
Limited seating
$50 us per person, includes:
Class demostration, full meal and a bottle of wine.
Reservations call Sonia;
(322) 222- 8014
Cell 322-136-3449


Join Sonia on Fridays for a Vegetarian feast.
Learn how to cook healthy Mexican with a gourmet twist.
$300 pesos per person, price does not include wine, but it does include natural refreshing drinks, and the sunset is free.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Felices Fiestas

Dear friends,
We are taking a few days to be with our families this holiday season, we at La Mesa, Gaetano, Fernando and Sonia, want to wish you lots of love and prosperity.
We will be back at La Mesa Tuesday January 4, with Chef Gaetano, we will keep you posted with the menu in the next few days.

Estimados amigos,
Vamos a tomar unos dias para estar con nuestras familias en estas fiestas. Queremos decearles mucho amor y prosperidad en este nuevo año. Regresamos el Martes 4 de Enero
con Chef Gaetano, estaremos informando proximamente por este medio del menu.

Also, in 2010, we will be offering the service "Chef a domicilio", Host your cooking party for 6 people or more, and your cost will be covered for us and we will gift you with a bottle of wine. (we will also do the dishes!)

Cost per person is $500 pesos, it includes class demonstration, 3 or 4 course meal and a glass of wine.

Tambien estaremos ofreciendo el servicio de "Chef a domicilio", donde si tu organizas una clase en tu casa para 6 personas o mas, es gratis para ti, y te obsequiamos una botella de vino (y nos encargamos de los platos sucios!).

Call Sonia at:
Cell 322-136-3449

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pizza night!

Another fun night and lots of Italian artisan pizza,
First Gaetano gave a brief history of the creation of the pizza
as we know it.

Then he showed the proceedings to make the pomodoro sauce and the preparation of the dough from scratch, and he even gave us a demonstration of how to fly a pizza on the air!

But definitely the best part was to try all the different kinds prepared, and to finish with another amazing pannacotta covered with zarzamora jam that the boys also learned how to make.
Bravissimo Gaetano!